Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby Alexander & Family

Last weekend I got to meet baby Alexander!  It is confirmed now that my friend Sally is a supermodel since she looks amazing just 3 1/2 weeks after having a baby and didn't even get 'ready' for the photo shoot but still looked gorgeous!  We did a lot of family shots- some are with Grandma Patty (Sally's mom), who is living with them for a few months and is basically a Grandma/Nanny from Heaven!  She even plays and cares for Madeline when we come to visit!  They are just a beautiful family, inside and out... as you can see!!  

Evelyn & Asher

September is Evelyn (2) and Asher's  (6) birthday so their mom, Yvonne, wanted some annual pictures taken.  We had fun doing the shoot- they were all so cooperative and patient... and little miss Evelyn was basically a model!  Everytime she saw the camera pointing at her she put on a beautiful smile! It was great... here are some of my favorites of the kids and the family. 

Baby Jackson

Baby Jackson
A few weeks ago I went over to Erika's house to get some newborn shots of sweet little baby Jackson.  He wasn't enjoying the whole picture taking session very much but we managed to get a few shots after he was filled up on milk took a little snooze!  Here is the precious little guy:

Mommy loving her sweet peanut!

I think we'll try again in a few weeks when I am back in town... hopefully he will like the camera a little more next time!